Wednesday, November 01, 2006

News from Louisville

Good news (and some links) from the Olsens
October 31, 2006
Hello everyone, Here's a very happy bit of news: Allison has been offered a position in the Louisville Orchestra cello section!!!! Our Assistant Principal cellist took a leave of absence (from which he may or may not return), so the orchestra held the National "one-year possibly-permanent" audition. The position was offered to a fellow who is already in the cello section, so he'll move up to Assistant Principal, and since Allison was the runner-up to him she gets to fill the resulting one-year possibly-permanent 'section' position! This is AWESOME!!!!!!
Also, the Louisville Orchestra just took some new pictures - you might notice that the latest orchestral "portrait" includes both Karl and Allison! (though the roster hasn't been updated yet....)

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